KT Modeling Toolset
Made for Windows, not tested in Linux or Mac
A collection of useful tools that help save time for modeling. 30 + Tools/Functions and growing.
With useful tools like Quad Corner Connect, Straighten Edgeloops, Grow selection by Angle.... and more.
KTHolePuncher and KTpolyPanelExtract is also included in this collection.
Version 1.4.4 (LATEST)
- Fixed missing Curve Edge Deformer in Toolset UI
- Fixed typo for launching help file directory
Version 1.4.3
- added import and export temp files between maya scenes
- Fixed Drag and Drop from ktModelingToolset to shelf not working.
- Fixed missing help option on shelf buttons
- Fixed Grid Cut not working when other nodes are selected
Version 1.4.2
- Fixed edge loop deform optionVar not restoring or saving correctly
- Adjusted edge loop deform scale and falloff defaults
- Fixed typo for script launch extractPresetsUI;
- Added missing button in toolset (edge loop deformer)
Version 1.4.1
-(FIXED) Error: source ktAppendBridge.mel; // Error: Line 36.26: Cannot find file "ktAppendBridge.mel" for source statement.
-(FIXED) line 4: flag "-where" available in Vertex, Edge, Face & Texture modes
- New tools AppendBridge, BridgeRing, EdgeLoopDeformer, GroupUnderSelection, SetPivotToCam
- Straighten Edge will now default as keep spacing between edges, alternate mode with even the spacing.
- Space Loop will have a smooth option
- Vertex selection has been added to quadCornerConnect
- Added Custom Shelf
- Added Help files
Version 1.3.1 (HOTFIX )
fixed missing getComponentID.mel and ktSelectPattern.mel
Added Bevel Vertex function - currently only works with Border Corner vertices
Added Dot Loop and Dot Ring pattern selection
Fixed missing link for icons in shelf
Fixed Quad End shelf button
Fixed ktPolyPanelExtract being disabled on launch
Fixed fan Wedge bug
Add Pivot Tools - Set World Pivot, Match Pivots, Set Pivot Min Y
fixed missing getTransformFromComponent.mel from package.
fixed KtpolyPanelExtract button greyed out.
To Install script:
1)First extract the KTModelingToolset.zip file
2)Then copy the icons from inside the icon folder and paste them to C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\maya\20XX\prefs\icons
3)Copy scripts inside script folder to C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\maya\20XX\scripts
You can skip step 4 if you don't need the custom shelf.
4)Place the shelf_modelingToolSet.mel into your shelve directory C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\maya\20XX\prefs\shelves
5)Drag and Drop KTmodelingToolSet.mel into maya script editor. Then put it onto the Shelf and create a button. Use KTmodelingToolSetIcon.png for button Icon.
For Questions and Bugs please reach me at kelvintamkt@gmail.com or message me here on Gumroad or Artstation.
icons, gui with all the tools, custom shelf, free updates